Product Conversion Report
This report uses GA4 metrics to analyze product performance, tracking views, add-to-carts, and conversions, helping businesses optimize product listings and improve sales funnel efficiency.

Item Name
Refers to the specific title of a sold product
Item Variant
Refers to a specific version of a product, differing by attributes like size, color, or material.
A session in Google Analytics is a group of user interactions within a time frame
Item Viewed
How many times a product page is accessed by users
Items added to cart
The number of items added to a shopping cart
Items Checked Out
The number of items in the customer's shopping cart when the customer initiated the checkout process
Items Purchased
The total number of times an item was purchased
Item Revenue
The total revenue from items only, excluding tax and shipping. Item revenue = price x quantity

Spot Product Performance

Monitor Sales Funnel

Drive Higher Sales
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