Prebuilt Shopify Reports

Browse through a collection of 125+ straightforward reports to quickly understand important details of your Shopify store. Effortlessly track everything from stock levels to sales and payments.

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Inventory on Hand
Inventory on Hand
All Categories
Best Selling Products
Best Selling Products
Product SKU Variants
All Categories
Never Sold Products
Never Sold Products
Product SKU Variants
All Categories
Customer Information
Customer Information
All Categories
All Products Report
All Products Report
Product SKU Variants
All Categories
Best Selling Collections
Best Selling Collections
Product SKU Variants
All Categories
Sales by Existing Product
Sales by Existing Product
Product SKU Variants
All Categories
Product Return Rate
Product Return Rate
Product SKU Variants
All Categories
Product Combinations
Product Combinations
Product SKU Variants
All Categories
QuickBooks Invoices
QuickBooks Invoices
Import Feeds/Templates
All Categories
Xero Sales Invoice
Xero Sales Invoice
Import Feeds/Templates
All Categories
QuickBooks Customer Import
QuickBooks Customer Import
Import Feeds/Templates
All Categories
Sales by Order Tag Group
Sales by Order Tag Group
Tags & Collections
All Categories
Monthly Tax Summary
Monthly Tax Summary
All Categories
USA Tax collected (Shopify)
USA Tax collected (Shopify)
All Categories
United States Sales Tax
United States Sales Tax
All Categories
Canadian Tax Report
Canadian Tax Report
All Categories
Out Of Stock Report (daily)
Out Of Stock Report (daily)
Product SKU Variants
All Categories
ABC Analysis
ABC Analysis
Product SKU Variants
All Categories
First Time/New Customers
First Time/New Customers
All Categories
Products by Product Type
Products by Product Type
Product SKU Variants
All Categories
Outstanding Customer Payments
Outstanding Customer Payments
All Categories
First Time vs Returning Customers sales
First Time vs Returning Customers sales
All Categories
Most Valuable Customers
Most Valuable Customers
All Categories
Returning Customers
Returning Customers
All Categories
Sales Attributed to Marketing
Sales Attributed to Marketing
Tags & Collections
All Categories
Sales by Collection Group
Sales by Collection Group
Tags & Collections
All Categories
Sales by Product Tag Group
Sales by Product Tag Group
Tags & Collections
All Categories
Sales Attributed to Each Collections
Sales Attributed to Each Collections
Tags & Collections
All Categories
Sales Attributed to Each Product Tag
Sales Attributed to Each Product Tag
Tags & Collections
All Categories
Sales Attributed to Each Customer Tag
Sales Attributed to Each Customer Tag
Tags & Collections
All Categories
Sales Attributed to Each Order Tag
Sales Attributed to Each Order Tag
Tags & Collections
All Categories
Inventory Sale Value Report
Inventory Sale Value Report
All Categories
Inventory Cost Report
Inventory Cost Report
All Categories
Out of Stock Product
Out of Stock Product
All Categories
Inventory level Indicator
Inventory level Indicator
All Categories
Inventory by Location
Inventory by Location
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Inventory by Product Type
Inventory by Product Type
All Categories
Low Stock Product
Low Stock Product
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Inventory Reorder Point
Inventory Reorder Point
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Inventory Status
Inventory Status
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Inventory by Collections
Inventory by Collections
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Unfulfilled Orders
Unfulfilled Orders
All Categories
Orders Paid But Not Fulfilled
Orders Paid But Not Fulfilled
All Categories
Orders Fulfilled In Last 30 Days
Orders Fulfilled In Last 30 Days
All Categories
Orders Pending Fulfilment
Orders Pending Fulfilment
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Shipping Report
Shipping Report
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Shipping Label Cost Report
Shipping Label Cost Report
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UTM Report
UTM Report
Customer Journey
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Customer Journey
Customer Journey
Customer Journey
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Sales by Referring Site
Sales by Referring Site
Customer Journey
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Sales by UTM Source
Sales by UTM Source
Customer Journey
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Sales by UTM Medium
Sales by UTM Medium
Customer Journey
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Sales by UTM Campaign
Sales by UTM Campaign
Customer Journey
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Potential Revenue Lost Due to Abandoned Cart
Potential Revenue Lost Due to Abandoned Cart
Abandoned Carts
All Categories
Most Abandoned Products List
Most Abandoned Products List
Abandoned Carts
All Categories
Abandoned Cart Status
Abandoned Cart Status
Abandoned Carts
All Categories
Abandoned Cart With Customer Details
Abandoned Cart With Customer Details
Abandoned Carts
All Categories
Potential Revenue Lost Due to Abandoned
Potential Revenue Lost Due to Abandoned
Abandoned Carts
All Categories
Cart Product
Cart Product
Abandoned Carts
All Categories
Open Abandoned Cart Led to Purchase
Open Abandoned Cart Led to Purchase
Abandoned Carts
All Categories
Last 6 Month of Abandoned Carts
Last 6 Month of Abandoned Carts
Abandoned Carts
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Attribution Metrics
Attribution Metrics
Google Analytics
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Daily Visitor Metrics
Daily Visitor Metrics
Google Analytics
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Product Conversion
Product Conversion
Google Analytics
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Potential Revenue Lost Due to Abandoned Cart Product
Potential Revenue Lost Due to Abandoned Cart Product
Abandoned Carts
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Campaign Performance
Campaign Performance
Google Analytics
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Channel Performance
Channel Performance
Google Analytics
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Last 24 Hours Orders
Last 24 Hours Orders
Sales & Order
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Last 30 days Sales Summary
Last 30 days Sales Summary
Sales & Order
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Order Report
Order Report
Sales & Order
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Shopify Finance Summary
Shopify Finance Summary
Sales & Order
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Sales by Product
Sales by Product
Sales & Order
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Sales by Variant
Sales by Variant
Sales & Order
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Sales by Vendor
Sales by Vendor
Sales & Order
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Sales by POS
Sales by POS
Sales & Order
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Sales by Staff
Sales by Staff
Sales & Order
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Sales by Discount Code
Sales by Discount Code
Sales & Order
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Sales by Channel
Sales by Channel
Sales & Order
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Sales by Customer
Sales by Customer
Sales & Order
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Refund Report
Refund Report
Sales & Order
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Commission Report
Commission Report
Sales & Order
All Categories
Completed Draft Order
Completed Draft Order
Sales & Order
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Order Tags and Line Item Properties
Order Tags and Line Item Properties
Sales & Order
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Sales by Collections
Sales by Collections
Sales & Order
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Sales Over Time
Sales Over Time
Sales & Order
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Sales by Billing Location
Sales by Billing Location
Sales & Order
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Sales by Checkout Currency
Sales by Checkout Currency
Sales & Order
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Sales by Device ID
Sales by Device ID
Sales & Order
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Order vs Return (Monthly)
Order vs Return (Monthly)
Sales & Order
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Sales by Fulfillment Location
Sales by Fulfillment Location
Sales & Order
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Tax Report
Tax Report
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Sales by Product Variant (existing SKUs)
Sales by Product Variant (existing SKUs)
Product SKU Variants
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