Never Sold Products Report

Some Shopify store products just don’t find favor with customers despite your best efforts. They take up precious inventory space that could otherwise be used to stock fast-selling items.
Never Sold Products Report

Some Shopify store products just don’t find favor with customers despite your best efforts. They take up precious inventory space that could otherwise be used to stock fast-selling items.

What’s worse is that unsold products can go undetected, silently draining your resources while you’re focused on other products. There’s one way to bring them out from hiding: the Never Sold Products report.

This report lists unsold products within your specified date range. It’s vital data for a merchant to decide if such items are worth selling.

Go deeper into your Shopify sales by analyzing this report. Get clues into your target audience’s preferences and buying patterns. Leverage alternative growth opportunities by understanding what’s not selling. Reveal flaws in your business strategies that could be holding those products back.

The Never Sold Products report helps you make smart decisions, whether boosting sales of slow-moving items or phasing them out.

How the Never Sold Products Report Works

Let’s understand this report better by following Vincent’s example:

Vincent sells all kinds of packaging products on his Shopify store. He’s got shipping boxes, custom foam inserts, bubble wrap rolls, packaging tape and more.

Vincent pulled out all the stops to make sure all of his products sell above expectations. But his revenue figures for the last six months didn’t reflect that goal.

He knew something was not right. So he pulled up the Never Sold Products report to check things out.

Vincent Shopify Merchant

That’s when things fell into place. The data showed that custom foam inserts had low sales activity. He also found that packaging tape sold inconsistently.

Large-sized bubble wrap rolls also weren’t cutting it in the market, and neither were padded envelopes.

Vincent took the following measures to correct these problems:

  • He decided to temporarily stop selling custom foam inserts.
  • Padded envelopes were also discontinued.
  • All remaining stock of the above two products were offered at a discount.
  • Packaging tape would be restocked based on demand instead of regularly.
  • Prices of unsold bubble wrap rolls were reduced.

By making data-driven changes, Vincent’s Shopify store is going steady with sales today. It’s efficient in inventory management and effective in its marketing. Much of that success was due to the Never Sold Products report.

An in-depth look into Vincent’s experience illustrates that this report can:

  • Reveal unsold products

Merchants can discover products that are unsold recently or over time. Use this insight to redo your product and marketing strategies.

Ex: Vincent removing padded envelopes due to lack of sales. The report’s product-related columns provided the crucial data for this decision.

  • Help avoid restocking unsold products

Unsold products can be removed from inventory, stopping merchants from losing money on needless storage. Revamp your product lineup and stop financial losses on unwanted stock purchases.

Ex: Vincent restocking packaging tape based on demand to save on inventory space, instead pivoting to replenish top sellers.

  • Discover easy opportunities to clear unsold stock

Instead of just letting unsold items collect dust, merchants can liquidate them by adjusting prices, offering discounts, etc. It also helps determine when you can run discount campaigns for the best chance at selling such products.

Ex: Vincent offering discounts on remaining stocks of custom foam inserts to reduce stock on hand.

  • Help understand your target market better

Analyzing this report reveals your customers’ market preferences. Decide if you want to continue targeting them, add more customers to the mix, or change the target group entirely.

Ex: Vincent revamping his marketing strategy to aggressively target consumers to improve his Shopify sales.

Data Fields in the Never Sold Products Report

The standard fields in this report are:

Product Title: name of unsold product

Variant Title: name of product variant (Variant is a version of the product differing by attributes like color, size, aging, etc.)

Stock Keeping Unit (SKU): unique code assigned to a product unit. Helps track stock and unit location

Product Price: listed price of the product. May differ by variant

Total Unit Sold: number of units sold during selected date range

Note:The Total Unit Sold is 0 when the report is initially created. Selecting a wider date range may increase this value.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Why use the Never Sold Products report?

The Never Sold Products report can help:

  1. reveal products not sold during a specified date range
  2. avoid restocking unsold items
  3. guide price adjustments for slow moving products
  4. better understand your target market

  • Can I change the time range in the Never Sold Products report?

Yes, it is possible to view the report's data over a longer period. Simply change the date range inside the report using the date range selector.

  • How to view the Never Sold Products report without variant and SKU details?

The report can be customized to remove the variant and SKU fields. You can reach out to our support team at to set it up.

  • Is it possible to view my unsold products by location?

Yes, you can view products not sold in various locations instead of the entire store level. Contact us at to customize the Never Sold products report for this purpose.

  • How to run the Never Sold Products report in Report Pundit?

Go to: Report Pundit App -> Library -> Product and Variant Sku Reports -> Never Sold Products.

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